Synonym and Classification Data for Hyphopichia spp.

This genus name is obsolete.

This genus is an ascomycetous yeast.

Synonyms and Teleomorph-Anamorph Relationships

This obsolete genus is a synonym of Pichia

Species in this genus

  • Hyphopichia burtonii

    This species is a teleomorph of Candida chodatii
    Candida fibrae is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Candida variabilis is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Cladosporium chodati is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Cladosporium fermentans is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Dermatium chodati is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Endomycopsis burtonii is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Endomycopsis chodatii is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Fermentotrichon behrendii is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Monilia variabilis is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Oospora variabilis is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Pichia burtonii is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Sporotrichum anglicum is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Sporotrichum carougeaue is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Trichosporon behrendii is an obsolete synonym of this species.