Synonym and Classification Data for Phialophora spp.

This genus is an ascomycetous mould. It is generally classified as a dematiaceous (dark-walled) fungus. See also the detailed description page for this genus.

Synonyms and Teleomorph-Anamorph Relationships

Cadophora is an obsolete synonym of this genus
Chaetosphaeria is a teleomorph of this genus
Gaeumannomyces is a teleomorph of this genus
Margarinomyces is an obsolete synonym of this genus
Mollisia is a teleomorph of this genus

Species in this genus

  • Phialophora americana

    This species is a synonym of P. verrucosa
    Capronia semiimmersa is a teleomorph of this species.

  • Phialophora brunnescens (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of P. richardsiae

  • Phialophora bubakii
  • Phialophora caliciformis (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of P. richardsiae

  • Phialophora compactum (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Fonsecaea compacta

  • Phialophora cyanescens (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Cylindrocarpon cyanescens

  • Phialophora dermatitidis (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Wangiella dermatitidis

  • Phialophora europaea
  • Phialophora gregata

    Notes: This species causes brown stem rot in soybeans.

  • Phialophora hoffmannii (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Lecythophora hoffmannii

  • Phialophora jeanselmei (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Exophiala jeanselmei var. jeanselmei

  • Phialophora mutabilis (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Lecythophora mutabilis

  • Phialophora parasitica

    This species is a synonym of Phaeoacremonium parasiticum
    Phaeoacremonium parasiticum is a synonym of this species.

  • Phialophora pedrosoi (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Fonsecaea pedrosoi

  • Phialophora repens

    Cadophora repens is an obsolete synonym of this species.

  • Phialophora reptans
  • Phialophora richardsiae

    Cadophora brunnescens is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    Cadophora richardsiae is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    P. brunnescens is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    P. caliciformis is an obsolete synonym of this species.

  • Phialophora spinifera (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Exophiala spinifera

  • Phialophora verrucosa

    Cadophora americana is an obsolete synonym of this species.
    P. americana is a synonym of this species.