(de Beurmann, Gougerot & Vaucher) Ota (1926)

Macroscopic morphology

Colonies on Sabouraud dextrose agar at 25°C are cream, cerebriform with broad, moist, glistening, marginal zones. Colony size is 15-17 mm after 10 days incubation.

Microscopic morphology

On cornmeal following 72 hours incubation at 25°C, T. cutaneum produces both blastoconidia and true hyphae which disarticulate into rectangular arthroconidia measuring approximately 3-4 x 4-8 µm. Appressoria are absent [1270], [928].

Special notes

This isolate is urease positive, but fails to grow on medium containing cycloheximide. Growth occurs at 30°C, but not at 35°C. The type strain was isolated from a skin lesion on a human. This species is most frequently associated with superficial mycoses [113], [418], has mimicked eczema in a leukemia patient [1610], and has been reported as an agent of onychomycosis [2206]. It has also been reported as an etiologic agent of septicemia, however [418], and has been reported from a neonatal intensive care unit in northeast Argentina [847]. Trichosporon cutaneum may be distinguished from other clinically-significant Trichosporon spp. by its inability to grow at temperatures above 30°C.



