(Subram.) Sivan. (1984)
Macroscopic morphology
Colonies on potato dextrose agar at 25°C are dark gray to olivaceous black with a black reverse. Rapid growth. Texture is woolly to cottony.
Microscopic morphology
Hyphae are septate and brown. Conidiophores are up to 200 µm long, septate, simple, geniculate, and become pale near the apex. Conidia are olivaceous brown, broadest at the basal end with a strongly protruding truncate basal hilum, contain 13-21 distosepta or pseudosepta, and narrow gradually towards the apex into a long beak. Conidia have prominent dark basal and distal septa, frequently display a curvature in the middle, and measure between 60 and 475 µm in length by 12-26 µm in width.
Special notes
Some consider E. longirostratum a variant of E. rostratum. It has been reported as the etiologic agent in corneal ulcer disease.
FTL* in vitro susceptibility data
0.5 µg/ml=1 | 0.125 µg/ml=1 | 1.0 µg/ml=1 |
Drug/N | AMB/1 | ITRA/1 | VORI/1 |
MIC Range | 0.5 | 0.125 | 1.0 |
* Fungus Testing Laboratory unpublished data (NCCLS M38-A)