Marasas, Nelson & Rabie (1987)
Macroscopic morphology
Macroscopic morphology may vary significantly on different media, and descriptions here are based upon growth on potato flakes agar at 25°C with on/off fluorescent light cycles of approximately 12 hours each. Rapid growth. Colonies are floccose (cottony) and initially white becoming tinged with purple. Reverse is also purple. [2202],[1630].
Microscopic morphology
Hyphae are septate and hyaline. Conidiophores are medium length and simple or branched. Conidiogenous cells are monophialides. Macroconidia produced in the aerial mycelium or in sporodochia are slightly sickle-shaped to straight, 3-5 septate, and measure 30-50 x 2.7-3.6 µm. Microconidia are abundant, 0-1 septate, clavate, occur in both false heads and chains, and measure 7-10 x 2.5-3.2 µm. After approximately 3 weeks turnip-like (napiform) conidia are produced in the aerial mycelium. Smooth-walled, hyaline to brown chlamydoconidia may be submerged or aerial, measure 5-12 x 4-8 µm, and occur in chains or clumps. [2202], [1630].
Special notes
Fusarium napiforme is distinguished from F. moniliforme and F. proliferatum by the presence of napiform microconidia and chlamydoconidia. It was reported as an agent of disseminated fusariosis in a leukemia patient [1510].
FTL* in vitro susceptibility data
None available