(Morenz) Weijman (1979b)

Macroscopic morphology

Colonies are white, dry, and slightly farinose with radial fissures that frequently crack the agar. Colony size is 42-44 mm after 7 days incubation at 25°C.

Microscopic morphology

After 72 hours incubation on cornmeal agar at 25° the yeast produces true hyphae which disarticulate into rectangular arthroconidia. Also present are fusiform giant cells [1270].

Special notes

This isolate is urease positive and grows at 42°C and on media containing cycloheximide. Type strains were been isolated from mushrooms and a case of cow mastitis. Clinical isolates have been isolated from the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients, from wound infections following a motor vehicle accident, from blood and organs of an ALL patient, and from a polycystic kidney, [1460], [1702].

FTL* in vitro susceptibility data


0.5 µg/ml=1 16 µg/ml=1 1