Simmons & Guého (1990)

Macroscopic morphology

Colonies on Sabouraud dextrose agar are cream to yellowish, smooth and glistening with entire margins [1270]. This species is lipid-dependent requiring olive oil for growth. Optimum growth occurs at 35°C. Colonies on mDixon agar are glistening, smooth, flat with a slight central elevation and a soft texture [927].

Microscopic morphology

Yeast cells are ovoid to globose measuring 1.5-2.5 x 2.5-6.0 µm. Wet preparations reveal yeast cells with daughter cells being produced from a base equal to the width of the daughter cell and possessing distinct collarettes. Although single budding predominates, sympodial budding may be observed [1270].

Special notes

This isolate has been isolated exclusively from man [932] and is recognized as the most common Malassezia spp. being recovered from both healthy and diseased skin. Its role in causing disease is largely unknown since it has been isolated in the presence of other Malassezia spp.[924]. It may be differentiated from M. furfur by its inability to grow on glucose/peptone agar with 10% Tween 20 and from M. slooffiae, by its ability to grow on glucose/peptone agar with 0.1% Tween 80.

In vitro susceptibility data

Susceptibility testing according to NCCLS/CLSI Document M27-A2 is not possible due to the oleic acid requirement of this species.



