Synonym and Classification Data for Zymonema spp.

This genus name is obsolete.
It is considered nom. dub.

This genus is a mould that lacks a known sexual state and thus belongs to the Fungi Imperfecti.

Synonyms and Teleomorph-Anamorph Relationships

This obsolete genus is a synonym of Blastomyces

Notes on this Genus

The genus Zymonema was initially poorly defined and different people have used it in different ways (taxonomy). This is why it is considered as nomen dubium (nomenclature). Therefore it is essentially impossible to determine what is a synoym of. Based upon where it as first used, we think that it was probably a name connected to the genus Blastomyces (as in the genus that holds Blastomyces dermatitidis).

Species in this genus

  • Zymonema brasiliense (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

  • Zymonema capsulatum (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Blastomyces dermatitidis

  • Zymonema dermatitidis (obsolete)

    This obsolete species is a synonym of Blastomyces dermatitidis